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What will you read next? QUIZ & GIVEAWAY!

Do you like reading awesome books? Do you like winning even awesomer stuff? Then keep reading!

Hopefully like the team at Ho Towers, you'll all have stuffed yourselves silly over the Christmas holidays and have now made New Year's resolutions that you'll break by the end of the month - I know for sure, my cat Chewie has no intention of getting on that treadmill despite assuring me otherwise. One resolution you should stick to however, is to read more books! And to help with that, I've joined up with over 200 other authors in a fab new giveaway with the following prizes:

  • 1 $500 gift card

  • 4 $100 gift cards

  • 1 Kindle Fire

  • 1 Nook Color

  • 1 iPad Mini

  • 1 Kobo Aura

All you have to do is click HERE then answer one quick question about your book preferences to be taken to a fun but short quiz to gain maximum entries into the giveaway. While there, you might even discover your next favorite author! There's no catch and no cost but a few clicks of your time! Click HERE to be taken to the big quiz. But wait, that's not all!

In the spirit of giving, my book WANTED is now discounted to only 99¢ for the entire month of January, so if you haven't gotten your copy yet, or know someone who might like it, please forward this email and let them know!

Wanted is also now available in Kindle Unlimited so all you lucky KU subscribers can read it for free! If you don't have Kindle Unlimited but want to give it a try, click the link below for a 30 Day Free Trial. I highly recommend it as there are over one million books for you to discover and read for free.

And finally... I'm going to be recommending other YA authors and books that you guys might like in these newsletters. First up is the awesome Megan Crewe with her beautiful book A MORTAL SONG. Sora's life was full of magic—until she discovered it was all a lie. Grab the sweeping YA fantasy adventure New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake called "engrossing" and "beautifully fantastic," on sale for $0.99 this week only! Amazon universal link: Nook link: iBooks universal link: Kobo universal link:

Next week, I'll have some very exciting news for you. It'll be a first for me, and I'm actually pretty nervous about it all, but I can't wait to tell you all the same. Until then, happy reading! I'm off to persuade Chewie to join me on the treadmill. - Jo

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